I’m here in Durban, South Africa for the 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17), part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, more commonly known as the annual climate change conference.) In addition to tracking the action related to high-level negotiations trying to find a way toward a global agreement on carbon emissions, I had a chance to participate in Worldwatch’s briefing around the Low-Carbon Roadmap work we’re currently developing.
The week has been a tremendous learning experience, especially when considering how recently I’ve become involved with issues of climate and energy. And it’s not lost on me that so many people tore through tons of natural resources – not the least of which was jet fuel – to assemble in South Africa and strategize on how to save the planet. Irony.
But it is important. It’s necessary. Man-made climate change is a real threat whose growing impact can be seen in the increased level of storm devastation and biodiversity degradation. Check out this video to see what we’re prescribing as part of the solution.